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Selling To Trimble Investment Group
vs. Selling Through A Real Estate Brokerage

No matter what the market is doing in your local area, you should consider all your options.
Then you can make an intelligent decision about what choice is best for you and your family.

Traditional House Sales

Uncertain closing with no guarantees

Pay 6% in Real Estate Agent commissions plus fees

Long sales timeline, often 6-12 months from start to finish

Home repairs, renovations, and upgrades needed.

Quick closing – stay up to 30 days after closing

No finance, appraisal, or home sale contingencies necessary

No costly, time-consuming renovations or repairs needed

Reliable and trusted real estate brand

No Commissions/Fees to sell your house

Real Estate Investors

Small-scale local operators, not a trusted brand

Zero Transparency; often motivated by their own agenda…

Will take advantage and profit from you

High-pressure sales tactics, often not trustworthy

See How Much You'll Save with
Trimble Investment Group

Listing Price


Trimble Investment Group

No Commissions, Ever!


Traditional Listing

7-10% Average Commission


Your Savings with
Trimble Investment Group



*Actual commission rate varies with market conditions.

Trimble Investment Group vs Others

Trimble Investment Group Traditional
COMMISIONS $0 6% of home value
REPAIR COSTS $0 $10,000+
CLOSING COSTS $0 $6,000+
AVG. DAYS TO CLOSE 1 week! 1 month+
# OF SHOWINGS 0 Realtor Decides